  • Oscar Darmawan - CEO of

    “I really believe that Blockchain technology will eventually change the way system works. Centralized architecture will soon be over and replaced by a decentralized one, like how the absolute monarchy has been replaced with democracy. People are getting smarter and they begin to realize their own rights.”
    -- source --
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  • “Every informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it might be one of the world’s most important developments… Bitcoin might revolutionize more than money or economics. It could transform the role and nature of government.”

    Leon Louw - Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

    -- source --
  • “Bitcoin is the beginning of something great: a currency without a government, something necessary and imperative. But I am not familiar with the specific product to assert whether it is the best potential setup. And we need a long time to establish confidence. I only talk from skin-in-the-game. If I had money in Bitcoin, I would have reported it. But I don't yet. I am waiting to understand it better, not with my brain, but with my experience.”

    Nassim Taleb - The New Sage of Wall Street and the creator of Black Swan Theory

    -- source --
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  • “I think there is a 20% chance that Bitcoin will become a huge, worldwide success.”
    Peter Thiel - Co-Founder of PayPal -- source --
  • Sir Richard Branson - Founder of Virgin Group and +400 companies

    “Virgin Galactic is a bold entrepreneurial technology. It’s driving a revolution and Bitcoin is doing just the same when it comes to inventing a new currency.”
    -- source --
  • S.E. Sever - Writer

    “The next step in human evolution would be a race that could put their trust in each other, not in their rulers or politicians.”
    -- source --
  • Tyler Winklevoss - Entrepreneur

    "We have elected to put our money and faith in a mathematical framework that is free of politics and human error."
    -- source --
  • Paco Ahlgren - Financial analyst, the author of ‘Discipline’

    “This may be the purest form of democracy the world has ever known, and I — for one — am thrilled to be here to watch it unfold.”
    -- source --
  • “If we remember, 15 years ago if you were doing anything on the internet you were going to make millions. I think it could be the same with Bitcoin.”
    Jared Kenna - Former Marine, Tradehill Founder, Owner of 20mission and investor -- source --
  • “I personally own Bitcoin in my hedge fun, I own Bitcoin in my fund, I own Bitcoin in my private account. It is a huge deal. It’s a huge, huge, huge deal. Because what you’re talking about right now is, for the next three to five years, an unbelievably better stored value. It is gold 2.0.”

    Chamath Palihapitiya - Former Facebook VP, Venture Capitalist, Founder of The Social + Capital Partnership
    -- source --
  • "[Virtual Currencies] may hold long-term promise, particularly if the innovations promote a faster, more secure and more efficient payment system.”

    Ben Bernanke - Chairman of the Federal Reserve

    -- source --
  • “With e-currency based on cryptographic proof, without the need to trust a third party middleman, money can be secure and transactions effortless."

    Satoshi Nakamoto - Bitcoin Developer

    -- source --
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  • “Bitcoin is money over internet protocol.”

    Tony Gallippi - Co-Founder of BitPay
    -- source --
  • “There are 3 eras of currency: commodity based, politically based, and now, math based.”

    Chris Dixon - Co-Founder of Hunch
    -- source --
  • “Bitcoin has the opportunity to be a big disruptor in financial services.”
    Jeremy Liew - Partner at Lightspeed Venture Partner -- source --
  • Max Keiser - Journalist & TV Host

    “It's the cheapest way to move money around.”
    -- source --
  • Rick Falkvinge - IT Entrepreneur

    “It [Bitcoin] is a currency, but an entirely new kind of currency that can’t be seized or frozen by governments, one which is integrated with its transaction system where transaction fees are optional, and where you can transfer any amount anywhere instantly without any authority knowing or interfering.”
    -- source --
  • “Did I mention how good it feels to be a Bitcoin millionaire?”
    Max Keiser - American broadcaster and film maker -- source --
  • “I do think Bitcoin is the first [encrypted money] that has the potential to do something like change the world.”

    Peter Thiel - Co-Founder of PayPal
    -- source --
  • “Right now Bitcoin feels like the Internet before the browser.”

    Wences Casares - Technology Entrepreneur

    -- source --
  • Bill Gates - Co-Founder of Microsoft

    “Bitcoin is a technological tour de force.”
    -- source --
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  • “These past days, I have done a lot of thinking about Bitcoin that ended up with me investing all of the money I had saved and all that I can borrow into the currency.”

    Rick Falkvinge - IT Entrepreneur
    -- source --
  • “It [Bitcoin] can only go UP UP UP!"
    Bruce Wagner - American novelist & actor -- source --
  • “BUY NOW - Don't wait till next week! NEVER SELL - No matter how high it spikes!"

    Bruce Wagner - Director, Actor, Novelist
    -- source --
  • “Gold is a great way to preserve wealth, but it is hard to move around. You do need some kind of alternative and Bitcoin fits the bill. I’m not surprised to see that happening.”

    James G. Rickards - American Lawyer, Economist & Investment Banker

    -- source --
  • “Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry.”
    Rick Falkvinge - IT Entrepreneur -- source --
  • Al Gore - Former US Vice President & Nobel Peace Prize Winner

    “I’m a big fan of Bitcoin… Regulation of money supply needs to be depoliticized.”
    -- source --
  • “It represents a remarkable conceptual and technical achievement, which may well be used by existing financial institutions (which could issue their own bitcoins) or even by governments themselves.”

    François R. Velde - Research advisor in the economic research department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

    -- source --
  • “All the things that gold does, Bitcoin kind of does better.”
    Naval Ravikant - Co-Founder of AngelList -- source --
  • “We believe that Bitcoin represents something fundamental and powerful ... It reminds us of SMTP, HTTP, RSS, and BitTorrent in its architecture and openness.”

    Fred Wilson - Co-Founder of Union Square Ventures
    -- source --
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  • John Donahoe - President and CEO of eBay Inc

    “Digital currency is going to be a very powerful thing.”
    -- source --
  • “You can basically put a bank in your pocket... That's pretty amazing.”
    Gavin Andresen - Chief Scientist of The Bitcoin Foundation -- source --
  • “Had you asked me five years ago, I would just say it was impossible. Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies solved this problem of coming to a consensus globally where you don't trust anybody else.”

    Richard Brown - Executive Architect of IBM

    -- source --
  • “The governments of the world have spent hundreds and hundreds of trillions of dollars bailing out a decaying, dickensian, outmoded system called banking, when the solution to the future of finance is peer-to-peer. It’s going to be alternative currencies like Bitcoin and it’s not actually going to be a banking system as we had before 2008.”

    Patrick Young - Financial Analyst

    -- source --
  • “The relative success of the Bitcoin proves that money first and foremost depends on trust. Neither gold nor bonds are needed to back up a currency.”
    Arnon Grunberg - Dutch writer of novels, essays, and columns -- source --
  • “Cryptology represents the future of privacy [and] by implication [it] also represents the future of money, and the future of banking and finance.”

    Orlin Grabbe - Economist, prolific writer
    -- source --
  • Ron Paul - Republican Texas Congressman and former candidate for US President

    “I understand the political ramifications of [Bitcoin] and I think that government should stay out of them and they should be perfectly legal.”
    -- source --
  • “I think Bitcoin is a massive conceptual and helpful step forward.”
    Godfrey Bloom - British politician, Member of the European Parliament for Yorkshire -- source --
  • “I think the fact that within the Bitcoin universe an algorithm replaces the functions of [the government] … is actually pretty cool. I am a big fan of Bitcoin.”

    Al Gore - Former US Vice President & Nobel Peace Prize Winner
    -- source --
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  • “It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on. If enough people think the same way that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

    Satoshi Nakamoto - Bitcoin Developer
    -- source --
  • “Bitcoin is a remarkable cryptographic achievement and the ability to create something that is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value.”
    Eric Schmidt - CEO of Google -- source --
  • Roger Ver - Known as Bitcoin Jesus, American investor at Coyote WallStreet

    “With Bitcoin, you can send any amount of money, to anyone, anywhere in the world, instantaneously and for basically free. And you don't have to ask permission from a bank, a corporation or any government.”
    -- source --
  • “What can’t kill Bitcoin, makes it (us) stronger.”
    Mark Wittkowski - Pioneer in online lead generation -- source --
  • “Instant transactions, no waiting for checks to clear, no chargebacks (merchants will like this), no account freezes (look out PayPal), no international wire transfer fee, no fees of any kind, no minimum balance, no maximum balance, worldwide access, always open, no waiting for business hours to make transactions, no waiting for an account to be approved before transacting, open an account in a few seconds, as easy as email, no bank account needed, extremely poor people can use it, extremely wealthy people can use it, no printing press, no hyper-inflation, no debt limit votes, no bank bailouts, completely voluntary. This sounds like the best payment system in the world!”

    Trace Mayer J.D. - Leading Monetary Expert on Bitcoin and Gold

    -- source --
  • “Economists and journalists often get caught up in this question: Why does Bitcoin have value? And the answer is very easy. Because it is useful and scarce.”

    Erik Voorhees - Entrepreneur, Co-Founder of Coinapult and ShapeShift
    -- source --
  • “Spend some time with Bitcoin. Learn it, challenge it, and use it. You can assume no government wants you adopting this system in any capacity, and for that reason alone it’s worth consideration by honest, moral, and industrious people”

    Erik Voorhees - Entrepreneur, Co-Founder of Coinapult and ShapeShift

    -- source --
  • “Cryptocurrency is such a powerful concept that it can almost overturn governments”
    Charles Lee - Former Google Engineer -- source --
  • “The Bitcoin world is this new ecosystem where it doesn’t cost that much to start a new Bitcoin company, it doesn’t cost much to start owning Bitcoin either, and it is a much more efficient way of moving money around the world.”

    Tim Draper - American venture capital investor and the founder of Draper University
    -- source --
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  • “At its core, Bitcoin is a smart currency, designed by very forward-thinking engineers. It eliminates the need for banks, gets rid of credit card fees, currency exchange fees, money transfer fees, and reduces the need for lawyers in transitions… all good things.”

    Peter Diamandis - Greek-American engineer, physician & entrepreneur

    -- source --
  • “When I first heard about Bitcoin, I thought it was impossible. How can you have a purely digital currency? Can’t I just copy your hard drive and have your Bitcoins? I didn’t understand how that could be done, and then I looked into it and it was brilliant.”

    Jeff Garzik - Founder of Dunvegan Space Systems
    -- source --
  • “Bitcoin was created to serve a highly political intent, a free and uncensored network where all can participate with equal access.”
    Amir Taaki - Video game and computer software developer, listed as one of the top 30 entrepreneurs of 2014 on Forbes -- source --
  • “Bitcoin seems to be a very promising idea. I like the idea of basing security on the assumption that the CPU power of honest participants outweighs that of the attacker. It is a very modern notion that exploits the power of the long tail.”

    Hal Finney - PGP Corporation Developer
    -- source --
  • “Bitcoin enables certain uses that are very unique. I think it offers possibilities that no other currency allows. For example the ability to spend a coin that only occurs when two separate parties agree to spend the coin; with a third party that couldn’t run away with the coin itself.”

    Pieter Wuille - Software Engineer

    -- source --
  • "Hey, obviously this is a very interesting time to be in Bitcoin right now, but if you guys want to argue over whether this is reality or not, one Bitcoin will feed over 40 homeless people in Pensacola right now. If you guys want proof Bitcoin is real, send them to me, I’ll cash them out and feed homeless people.”

    Jason King - Founder of Sean's Outpost and Kryptokit

    -- source --
  • “I see Bitcoin as one of the biggest things for potentially reducing the power of state and uplifting the power of the individual to happen for … forever maybe.”
    Zander Marz - Author of “Beyond the Government Haunted World” -- source --
  • “I love seeing new services constantly starting to accept Bitcoin. Bitcoin is really becoming ‘the currency of the Internet.’ I’m most concerned by possible government reactions to Bitcoin. They can’t destroy Bitcoin, but they could really slow things down by making exchange much more difficult.”

    Michael Marquardt - A Professor and author of “Optimizing the Power of Action Learning: Real-Time Strategies for Developing Leaders, Building Teams and Transforming Organizations”
    -- source --
  • John McAfee - Founder of McAfee Inc.

    “You can’t stop things like Bitcoin. […]. It’s like trying to stop gunpowder.”
    -- source --
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  • “While the freedom Bitcoin promises is an illusion, it’s one that will always have a grip on the human mind – the dream of finding some kind of talisman, a benevolent tyrant or a magical new technology, that can shelter us from power and crime and protect us from each other.”

    John Gray - Political Philosopher and Author of “False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism
    -- source --
  • “It will be everywhere, and the world will have to readjust. World governments will have to readjust.”
    John McAfee - Founder of McAfee Inc. -- source --
  • “I think the internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government. The one thing that’s missing but that will soon be developed, is a reliable e-cash.”
    Milton Friedman - Winner of Nobel prize in economics -- source --
  • “Money is a collective agreement. If enough people come to the same agreement, what they agree upon becomes secondary, whether it be farm animals, gold, diamonds, paper, or simply a code. History proves all these cases to be true. Who knows what the future is going suggest to us as money, once we see digital currencies as ordinary?”

    S.E. Sever - Author of

    -- source --
  • Julian Assange - Founder of WikiLeaks

    “The Bitcoin actually has the balance and incentives right and that is why it is starting to take off.”
    -- source --
  • “Bitcoin is a fixed supply, a first-of-its-kind, global-in-scale, voluntary, decentralized open-source digital currency and payment network that enables direct, peer-to-peer, borderless, pseudo-anonymous, nearly-instantaneous, nearly-free and irreversible cash-like transfers of value. The first currency and money system in the world which has no counter-party risk to hold and to transfer.”

    Roger Murdock - Bitcointalk Forum Senior Member

    -- source --
  • Chamath Palihapitiya - Venture Capitalist, Former Facebook and AOL Executive

    “There is a famous scene in the matrix where Morpheus asks Neo if he wants to take the blue pill and go back to life as he knows it or take the red pill and see life as it is. Neo takes the red pill and begins a period of exploration about humanity, hierarchy, rules, etc. Bitcoin is a red pill. There will be some bad and awkward moments, but lots of good, useful and powerful things will also ensue. It will reallocate financial strength and power to the people versus keeping it within a few centralized authorities. I am hopeful that Bitcoin prevails. The world needs more red pills.”
    -- source --
  • “Bitcoin’s a dollar bill, with a teleporter built in.”
    Dan Kaminsky - American security researcher and the Chief Scientist of White Ops -- source --
  • “Bitcoin may be the TCP/IP of money.”
    Paul Buchheit - The Creator and Lead Developer of Gmail -- source --
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  • “I am very intrigued by Bitcoin. It has all the signs. Paradigm shift, hackers love it, yet it’s derided as a toy. Just like microcomputers.”

    Paul Graham - Creator of Yahoo Store
    -- source --
  • Howard Dean - American former politician, the 79th Governor of Vermont and Chairman of the Democratic National Committee

    “I am generally in favor of Bitcoins.”
    -- source --
  • Andi Mallarangeng - Former Sport Ministry of Indonesia, former Indonesia Presidential Spokesperson

    “Pure element of belief that is the key word of Bitcoin. Therein lies the strength and weakness at once.”
    -- source --
  • David Marcus - CEO of PayPal

    "I really like Bitcoin. I own Bitcoins. It’s a store of value, a distributed ledger. It’s a great place to put assets, especially in places like Argentina with 40 percent inflation, where $1 today is worth 60 cents in a year, and a government’s currency does not hold value. It’s also a good investment vehicle if you have an appetite for risk. But it won’t be a currency until volatility slows down.”
    -- source --
  • “In short, Western Union spends and earns billions to do what Bitcoin does for free.Instead of Western Union, migrant workers (or businesses operating on their behalf) could use Bitcoin to send payments from one country to another through email, without worry of fraud or needing to support an elaborate exchange or credit market. It would be real-time, immediate settlement at a fraction of the cost. In ten years, instead of international drugs, Bitcoin could act as a genuine lingua franca for international work.”

    National Geographic, one of the top magazines in the world

    -- source --
  • “So my view's quite clear. I believe cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin is the first example, I believe they're going to change the world.”
    Richard Brown - Executive Architect of IBM -- source --
  • “In Spanish, we have a saying that when a genius points at the moon, a fool looks at the finger. I find that happens a lot with Bitcoin.”
    Wences Casares - Technology Entrepreneur -- source --
  • “I think Bitcoin may very well be the best form of money we’ve ever seen in the history of civilization.”

    Wences Casares - Technology Entrepreneur
    -- source --
  • “But in every other aspect, Bitcoin is superior. So, you know, we live in a world in which there are 5 billion people who have a phone but do not have a bank account or a credit card. So these banks that do so well have managed to barely bank 1 billion people. There are 5 billion people who get abused for not having a bank account or a credit card. They cannot participate in this global economy that we’re talking about all day. This is the one time that we see a true, realistic hope this could change. That’s why I think Bitcoin is important: It’s relevant, and I think it will take time, just like the internet took time. But it may have more impact than the internet. If you go to Africa or Latin America, parts of Asia, and you sit down with not even a poor person, just an average person, and you ask, “Look, what would you prefer — free access to information [which they're getting now with their phones] or a secure place to store the fruits of your labor and to receive and make payment?”

    Wences Casares - Technology Entrepreneur

    -- source --
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  • "We're bullish on Bitcoin [and] cyrpto-currencies in general, but Bitcoin specifically."
    Ben Horowitz - Author of “The Hard Thing about Hard Things”, American businessman, Investor and Co-Founder of the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz -- source --
  • “That means that you should get into the Bitcoin system now. Early. You should be an early adopter. Because your Bitcoins are going to be worth a lot of money one day.”

    Julian Assange - Founder of WikiLeaks
    -- source --
  • “Virgin Galactic is a bold entrepreneurial technology. It’s driving a revolution and Bitcoin is doing just the same when it comes to inventing a new currency.”

    Sir Richard Branson - Founder of Virgin Records, Virgin Galactic, and 400+ other businesses
    -- source --
  • “[Bitcoin] is a very exciting development, it might lead to a world currency. I think over the next decade it will grow to become one of the most important ways to pay for things and transfer assets.”  
    Kim Dotcom - CEO of MegaUpload -- source --
  • Ashton Kutcher - Hollywood Actor & Investor

    “I think Bitcoins are obviously becoming more and more relevant.”
    -- source --
  • “Bitcoin represents a significant threat to the currency domination of the USA, which is the only thing propping up the nation’s status as a worldwide superpower.”

    Rick Falkvinge - IT Entrepreneur
    -- source --
  • “The Federal Reserve system hates it! They would love to kill it. They’re attacking it any way they can, but they will fail. This is what we’ve been waiting for! This is the “Cyber Christ” moment. This is when the activists that having been pushing against the Fed are gonna win with Bitcoin.”

    Max Keiser - Journalist & American Broadcaster

    -- source --
  • Gottfried Leibbrandt - CEO of Swift

    “Swift could someday send transactions in Bitcoin as a currency if banks offer accounts in Bitcoin.”
    -- source --
  • “Bitcoin is the most important invention in the history of the world since the internet.”
    Roger Ver - Bitcoin Angel Investor and Evangelist -- source --
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  • "It’s gold for nerds."
    Stephen Colbert - American comedian, writer, producer, actor, media critic, and television host -- source --
  • "Bitcoin is getting there. But it’s not there yet. When it gets there, expect governments to panic and society to be reshaped into something where governments cannot rely on taxing income nor wealth for running their operations." 

    Rick Falkvinge - IT Entrepreneur

    -- source --
  • Nasir “Nas” Jones, one of the most popular rappers in the world

    “[Bitcoin] will evolve into an industry as big, if not bigger, than the Internet. My man Ben Horowitz really opened my eyes to that point. This isn't of the Internet age, Bitcoin is its own age.”
    -- source --
  • “Stay with times. Technology is what's changing the business gotta get with it. I take money no matter if its coins or dollars.”
    Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson, one of the most popular rappers in the world -- source --
  • Melanie Brown - Musician, former member of Spice Girls

    “I love how new technology makes our lives easier, and to me that’s exciting. Bitcoin unites my fans around the world using one currency. They can just pay using Bitcoins!”
    -- source --
  • “If you’re a retailer, there’s really no reason not to accept Bitcoin at this point.”
    Gil Luria - Analyst with Wedbush Securities -- source --
  • "I believe Bitcoin or some other Blockchain-like system will be the basis of the majority of financial transactions in the future, from small remittances to multi-billion dollar corporate acquisitions."

    Matt Mullenweg - Co-Founding Developer of Wordpress

    -- source --
  • “A majority of our support comes from individual donations made by thousands of people across the country. Meaning that we have to be constantly evolving to ensure that donors are able to support our important work in the way that’s most convenient for them.That is why we are now accepting Bitcoin donations.”

    Cassady Sharp - Media officer for Greenpeace's campaign to save the Arctic

    -- source --
  • "It [Bitcoin] is the future. I believe in the future.”

    Fernando Valdes - Business Consultant at Investnor
    -- source --
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  • “There will be a future where people will use Bitcoin, and they won’t even know they’re using it. At that point it’s everywhere — it’s a part of global finance, it’s a part of our everyday lives. In the same way using email was very difficult and the edge of technology… it’s always difficult, it’s problematic, it’s painful to use, and we’re at that point in Bitcoin right now. The point where we’re beyond it is the point where people don’t think of email as the bleeding edge of tech because it works so well everyone uses it… I think it’s going to get to that point.”

    Winklevoss Twins - Entrepreneur

    -- source --
  • “Yet Bitcoin is still currently the most secure private payment method, aside from cash. While these uncertainties remain, don't be surprised if the number of people using Bitcoin soon increases to the point where there will be little the government can do. Those looking for a cheaper method to transfer money should start downloading their wallets now.”

    Ivan Glinski - Secretary of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania

    -- source --
  • William Shatner - Actor known for lead role in Star Trek TOS

    “So Bitcoin is cyber snob currency…”
    -- source --
  • “The traditional financial services industry is basically stagnant, using 1950’s technology for most things. No innovation, no competition, it’s stagnant! Even things like Apple Pay are running on top of the same failed credit-card based, identity-laden, easy-to-steal, easy-to-compromise technology. There’s no innovation there. Bitcoin is the invention of radio, and Apple Pay is taking smoke signals and adding colored smoke signals!”

    Andreas Antonopoulos - Security expert, tech-entrepreneur and the author of “Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies”

    -- source --
  • Andreas Antonopoulos - Security expert, tech-entrepreneur and the author of “Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies”

    “Bitcoin is not “unregulated”. It is regulated by algorithm instead of being regulated by government bureaucracies. Un-corrupted.”  
    -- source --
  • Lily Allen - Singer, songwriter, actress, and television presenter

    About 5 years ago someone asked me to stream a gig live on second life for hundreds of thousNds of bitcoins, as if I said. #idiot #idiot"(taken from her official Twitter page)
    -- source --
  • “For all you techies out there, I’m now accepting Bitcoins at my online store at I hear it’s the currency of the future.”

    Richard Sherman - American football cornerback for the Seattle Seahawks of the National Football League

    -- source --
  • James Franco - American actor, filmmaker, and teacher

    “I had a few friends over for a smoke and my buddy Pancho is like an internet genius and he spent about 7 hours explaining the concept behind these Bitcoins. I was mesmerized man. It’s like my mind was destroyed, rebuilt, destroyed again and then slowly put back together like one of those crazy 1000 piece jigsaws. I’m a changed man from top to bottom.”
    -- source --
  • (When being asked why he chose Bitcoin) “Money is dead, man. Those dollars in your pocket are little paper corpses and that credit card is a mobile tombstone. If I were you, I’d light a match and burn it all immediately. Hell, I’ve got a match, give me your wallet and let’s do it.”

    James Franco - American actor, filmmaker, and teacher
    -- source --
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  • “It feels strange to think of a world without cash, no more coins or notes for us to find down the back of the sofa, but it appears that’s the way things are heading.”
    Sir Richard Branson - Founder of Virgin Records, Virgin Galactic, and 400+ other businesses -- source --
  • “I have invested in Bitcoin because I believe in its potential, the capacity it has to transform global payments is very exciting. It has been obvious to us all for quite some time that people aren’t satisfied with the business as usual approach adopted by the major payment networks. There’s a real desire for greater levels of control, freedom and scrutiny over what happens with our money, Bitcoin addresses these concerns and that is why so many people believe it represents the future.”

    Sir Richard Branson - Founder of Virgin Records, Virgin Galactic, and 400+ other businesses

    -- source --
  • "It [Bitcoin] may be a first step to a solution that drives the long-term cash flow society to where we're not interacting through paper or mobile banking."

    Greg Lewis - Executive vice president of treasury and liquidity at Dallas-based Texas Capital Bank
    -- source --
  • “The things I’ve been watching that look pretty interesting — and I don’t know if they’re going to go anywhere, but the technique is interesting — is the use of Bitcoin as a way to do trans-boundary remittances. There’s a couple of services that operate in Kenya that let you send money from like England to Nairobi through a Bitcoin interchange. The funds can then be deposited directly into your mobile money account, your M-Pesa account. They’re avoiding all the problems that come from using the traditional international wire services.

    Bill Maurer - Professor of anthropology and law at UC Irvine, and dean of social sciences

    -- source --
  • “The Bitcoin protocol has immense intrinsic value as a self-regulating frictionless payment network affordable to almost anyone. Here is a technology that allows anyone to send any amount of money to anyone else in the world at virtually no cost with nothing more than an Internet connection or smart phone. Bitcoin, like the Internet, is one of those innovations that can break down barriers; information barriers in the case of the Internet, and financial barriers with Bitcoin.”

    Dan Roseman - Financial Professional

    -- source --
  • “Through rose-tinted glasses, Bitcoin can do no wrong. It is a currency that is free of central bank control, is decentralized, and it has proven that it can serve as a store of value for people who lose trust in their national currency (Greece, for example).”

    Jake Mann - Editor on Insider Monkey, Financial Professional
    -- source --
  • “As a concept, I love it! A global currency would eliminate the need for exchanges making global commerce easier by increasing efficiency, reducing transaction costs, and ultimately reducing costs for the end consumer. Even better, Bitcoin is not controlled by a central bank, thereby reducing the risk of manipulation from authoritarian governments. And with a limited supply, inflation should be kept at a minimum.”

    Phillip Christenson - CFA, Phillip James Financial
    -- source --
  • “Think of the implications of a currency that has no borders, bars no one from entry, and is not controlled by a government. At a time when we're seeing just how much power is abused... I think the world is ready for a currency that is decentralized and controlled by the people.”

    Robert Lons - Financial Professional, Co-Founder of
    -- source --
  • “I hope the Bitcoin model, which was created by the powerful innovative free market system, will earn serious traction and acceptance as a global alternative digital currency model, and will compete with all fiat currency systems. The power of Bitcoin is that no central bank can print Bitcoins and dilute its purchasing power parity.”

    John O'Donnell - Financial Professional, Chief Knowledge Officer on Online Trading Academy

    -- source --
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  • “We want to give our fans as many options to buy our new album as possible, and are happy that Bitcoin can be one of those choices."
    Mastodon - US metal band on Warner Bros. Records -- source --
  • “It's a new financial system, designed from scratch by the people, for the people.”
    Mike Hearn - Bitcoin Core Developer -- source --
  • Donald “Childish Gambino” Glover - American actor, writer, comedian, rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer

    “Yeah, I know a lot of people are skeptical, but I feel like if everything’s going to live online, why not Bitcoins? Being backed by gold seems very old and nostalgic to me. Being backed to a Bitcoin, which takes time to actually make and there’s this equation that has to be done, that feels realer to me and makes more sense.”
    -- source --
  • “Our engaging Bitcoin was a recognition there’s a fast-growing, innovative, passionate group of people looking to make charitable donations based on the interest in using this currency. We wanted to be at the forefront of that conversation.”
    Evan Hochberg - United Way executive VP and chief strategy officer -- source --
  • “Bitcoin is an exciting new technology.”
    Bill Gates - Founder of Microsoft -- source --
  • “Bitcoin is exciting because it shows how cheap it can be. Bitcoin is better than currency in that you don’t have to be physically in the same place and, of course, for large transactions, currency can get pretty inconvenient.”

    Bill Gates - Founder of Microsoft
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  • “We are acutely aware that digital currency is an inevitable technical development that will lead to significant innovation in online commerce, financial systems, international payments and remittances and global economic development."

    Dr. Christos Vlachos - Chief Financial Officer of University of Nicosia
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  • "The only way to have an opinion about digital currencies is to learn about it, and we are providing a firsthand experience in that regard.”

    Mark McLaughlin - Executive director at Simon Fraser University
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  • "The coming era of virtual currencies is inevitable and exciting.”
    Michael Yeung - Founder of Bitcoin Club at Simon Fraser University -- source --
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  • "We think that the future of digital content is being able to use digital currencies to purchase content."

    Steve Beauregard - CEO of GoCoin
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  • “Bitcoin will remain, in my opinion, a relentless anomaly that refuses to go away - a black swan that cannot be ignored or extinguished.”

    Andreas Antonopoulos - Security expert, tech-entrepreneur and the author of “Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies”
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  • “For the 'other 6 billion' who don't enjoy international, control-free banking as we do, Bitcoin represents an opportunity to become part of a global economy which up till now did not exist. For those users, Bitcoin is more than just a curiosity, it might be a doorway to connect to the world.”

    Andreas Antonopoulos - Security expert, tech-entrepreneur and the author of “Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies”

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  • “The average user should pick up Bitcoin: “To experience the future of money. To gain a glimpse into an exciting technology. To learn about how money could be in the future and also become aware of how limited money andbanks are today.”

    Andreas Antonopoulos - Security expert, tech-entrepreneur and the author of “Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies”
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  • “If not for political reasons, why am I interested in Bitcoin? Like a lot of people, I was disturbed by the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. I thought the government did what it had to do at the peak of the crisis but missed an important opportunity afterwards to reform the financial system. It seemed to me that there were two ways to improve the system: from above through regulation (which I support), or from below through competition.”

    Chris Dixon - Entrepreneur and investor, co-founder and former CEO of Hunch

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  • “Long term, if Bitcoin gains widespread adoption, I'd expect the Bitcoin price to correlate to how useful people think sending payments, property and contracts anywhere in the world instantly and reliably is. Personally I think this could be more useful than wearing jewelry, but maybe that's just me.”

    Chris Dixon - Entrepreneur and investor, co-founder and former CEO of Hunch
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  • “I made the decision to accept Bitcoin because I believe that it represents the free-market economic principles that make Texas a national leader in innovation and entrepreneurship.”
    Greg Abbott - Former Texas Attorney General, the 48th Governor of Texas -- source --
  •  “If you want to support my campaign, you can’t give me dollars, euros or Swedish kronor, you must donate in Bitcoins.”

    Mathias Sundin - Deputy mayor of Norrköping in Eastern Sweden, a member of Swedish Parliament
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  • Mathias Sundin - Deputy mayor of Norrköping in Eastern Sweden, a member of Swedish Parliament

    "At first, I only saw the negative headlines about Bitcoin and thought it was some sort of unserious speculation bubble. Then I read up on it and understood that it has the potential to change the world. And when I realized I could order pizza and pay in Bitcoin, then I was all for it!”
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  • Larry Summers - 71st Secretary of the Treasury for President Clinton and the Director of the National Economic Council for President Obama

    "I think Bitcoin has the potential to be a very, very important development. I think that we are seeing many, many sectors of our economy be transformed by information technology and certainly it seems bizarre that at this late date, one has to pay as much as one does to use a debit card or to get cash from an ATM or to transfer money to one's child living abroad. So it seems to me that there's going to be a concerted effort to reduce financial frictions and that effort's going to be multi-faceted and certainly Bitcoin is an innovative approach in that regard.”
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  • "We've been a strong supporter of Bitcoin for a number of years as it allows overseas transactions with less fees and exchange rate fluctuations.”

    David Brim - CEO Tomcar Australia
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  • “I'm a huge supporter of Bitcoin as I believe it's a disruptive technology that can reshape the banks' dominance over the issuance of money.”

    Jamie McIntyre - CEO of 21st Century Education and Media Group and one of the founders of ABC Technologies
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  • “Bitcoin has already become too big to fail. This is not a genie they can put back into the bottle.”
    Patrick Byrne - CEO and Founder of Overstock -- source --
  • “Irrespective of your opinion, the rise in popularity of cryptocurrencies cannot be ignored. Today, there are a number of billion dollar businesses that accept Bitcoin as a form of payment. These include Dell, Reddit, Expedia, PayPal, and most recently, Microsoft. So for the uninitiated who have not yet grasped what Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are, you ought to catch up.”

    WIRED - American magazine

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  • Akon - Recording artist and producer

    “Bitcoin is going to change the world from a money transactional standpoint not just for Africa, but for everywhere.”
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  • “hey, all: let's really understand #bitcoin it might be better than removing the federal reserve, and faster way 2 end satanic ritual rule.” (taken from her official twitter page)

    Roseanne Barr - Actress and comedian
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  • “Just tried to buy breakfast w bitcoins. Refused. #whenwilltheworld catchuptomyhipness?” (taken from his official twitter page)

    Drew Carey - Actor and comedian
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  • "I was really inspired by the boundaries people were pushing... [Bitcoin] seemed like something people bet against because the government doesn't welcome with open arms what they don't control. But it is such a big idea that it could never be controlled."

    Nasir “Nas” Jones - Rapper and founder of the venture capital firm Queensbridge Venture Partners

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  • “As a transport mechanism, an accounting digital transport mechanism, it’s unique and has a great opportunity in the future.”

    Mark Cuban - American businessman, investor, film producer, and owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks, Landmark Theatres, and Magnolia Pictures, and the chairman of the HDTV cable network AXS TV
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  • “Digital currency’s more about freedom. Because all the time people are trying to get in your pocket, trying to do different things to control you. Freedom to choose what you do with your money, and freedom to keep your money without people influencing it by printing money or through regulation.”

    Steve Stockman - American politician and member of the Republican Party who was the United States Representative for Texas's 36th congressional district

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  • “Advancing the Bitcoin economy will benefit all Americans, even those who have never heard of Bitcoin. For example, it will lead to better security and privacy in electronic transactions. Our goal is to build a way for voters to play an active role in shaping digital and economic policy to ensure that Bitcoin has a secure place in America.”

    Richard Wagner - Founder of BVPAC

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  • “Aside from something that allows consumers to pay, and merchants to accept, it’s also something that can help connect the world’s financial systems in a way that we cannot today."
    Greg Brockman - CTO of payments solutions provider Stripe -- source --
  • “Some economic experts might be able determine what Bitcoin’s future is going to look like, so you might want to listen to them as well. But in my opinion and understanding the inner workings of it, Bitcoin will catch on … so either join us, or don’t join us … it’s up to you.”

    Arsyan Ismail - CEO of 1337 Tech and
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  • Mark Levine - New York City Councilman

    “This is a really exciting bill [to accept Bitcoin as payment for fines and fees in New York City]. We really want to engage with the Bitcoin community, which is growing by leaps and bounds.”
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  • “Today you can buy almost anything with Bitcoin… For young, internet-savvy people, it’s become the currency of choice… This would convey to the world that New York is on the cutting edge.”
    Mark Levine - New York City Councilman -- source --
  • “I don’t foresee any time in my life that Bitcoin ceases to exist. I see the possibility for it to someday become the “reserve currency” of the international free market.”

    Jim Fulner - The 2014 Libertarian candidate for the U.S. Senate from Michigan
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  • “Bitcoin does not put limits on what you can and cannot sell, it doesn’t randomly revoke your ability to send or receive money and there are no arbitrary waiting limits or minimum amounts that you need to have in order to have an account.”

    Cameron Ruggles - Founder of, Inc.
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  • "There's a lot of misconception about what Bitcoin actually is due to media narratives. The most popular reference I hear mentioned is Silk Road, but Silk Road wasn't enabled by Bitcoin. People forget or don't realize that Silk Road was enabled by Tor, an 'anonymizing' proxy network. Bitcoin isn't actually an anonymous currency it's pseudo-anonymous. Want to know what's anonymous? Cash."

    Melanie Shapiro - Founder/CEO of Case Wallet, PhD in Consumer Behavior

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  • "The math and technology behind the Blockchain is difficult for most to understand, but the beauty is - you don't have to get it to use it. Do you really get how the internet works? TLS/SSL? DNS? HTTPS? If you ask the average person on the street what https is or dns, they likely wouldn't be able to tell you. But these things are underneath most of the applications they use on a daily basis. I think the real success of Bitcoin will be when it's the foundational layer on top of which applications and processes are built without people having to understand what that means."

    Melanie Shapiro - Founder/CEO of Case Wallet, PhD in Consumer Behavior

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  • "The reason you should care about bitcoin's success is not just because it can help reorganize how the financial industry is run, but because it can bring freedom and empowerment to the people who really need it ... the billions of 'un-banked' people on this planet."

    Melanie Shapiro - Founder/CEO of Case Wallet, PhD in Consumer Behavior
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  • "To truly understand the impact (of Bitcoin), consider what the cellphone did for telecom. There are places in the world that completely skipped over traditional landline phones, mostly because it's a resource-intensive advancement, and went straight to cellphones. Bitcoin will be the technology that leaps over traditional banking in these same parts of the world. The people in places that never saw truly established banking services will be able to use those cellphones they have to do their 'banking' in Bitcoin." 

    Melanie Shapiro - Founder/CEO of Case Wallet, PhD in Consumer Behavior

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  • "If you think about it, everything in society lives on some sort of ledger. You have a driver's license, which lives on an identity ledger at the DMV, your credit card purchases are tied to a currency ledger at your bank, you buy a house and that lives on a property ledger. The Blockchain is simply a ledger, like all of these other ledgers that our very lives exist on, but instead of there being thousands of different ledgers held by thousands of different central authorities, the Blockchain is one global ledger that all of these things can live on."

    Melanie Shapiro - Founder/CEO of Case Wallet, PhD in Consumer Behavior

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  • Melanie Shapiro - Founder/CEO of Case Wallet, PhD in Consumer Behavior

    "You'll hear the word 'decentralized' thrown around a lot when talking about Bitcoin. The reason for this is that Bitcoin is a decentralized asset that no one entity has control over. This might not seem important, but think about the people who live in places where that central entity that controls your currency is corrupt or unstable." 
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  • "One of the coolest things about a global ledger as a public utility is that it can completely reorganize the way we run our societies, which is why I think the Blockchain is one of the greatest human innovations of our time. To all the billions of people who don't truly own anything, or have records of their lives and assets - welcome to the global economy!"

    Melanie Shapiro - Founder/CEO of Case Wallet, PhD in Consumer Behavior

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  • “Cash can be equally as unsafe if you wish it to be if you don’t look after it properly. I think you have to go into any new technology or any new idea with your eyes open and be aware of the risks and as its use expands and becomes more prevalent across society then protocols change and security/safety systems develop.”

    Russell Kelly - Director of KPMG
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  • “The technology is not under threat at all, it is extraordinary, it is highly successful. Savvy people in Silicon Valley are seeing the future of the block chain as a way of dealing with many things and not just payments. Payments are just one application of block chain technology. Block chain is massively successful, it is widely adopted and it’s being widely considered for all sorts of other applications beside payments.”

    Paul Davis - Managing director of Counting House (I0M) Ltd

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  • “If you’re wondering why cryptocurrency is attracting more venture capital than any other product in the world at the moment that’s the reason; these guys are sharp, they work on technology and they can see the future.The money is not going into Bitcoin as an investment it is going into the technology as something that will drive the future of the world.”

    Paul Davis - Managing director of Counting House (I0M) Ltd
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  • “The single most dangerous facilitator of crime in the world is cash. There are far more illegal transactions for cash every day than there are for Bitcoin. Any government bleating that we have to stop this Bitcoin thing because it will be used by criminals to buy drugs and guns, whatever, had better think sharply about getting rid of cash first.Bitcoin is much more traceable than cash.If I go and knock over an old lady in the street and steal her cash from her wallet and give it to various people there is no trail of those transactions.”

    Paul Davis - Managing director of Counting House (I0M) Ltd
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  • Marc Andreessen - Founder of Netscape, sits on the board of directors of Facebook, eBay,and HP

    “One of the things … that’s been missing on the Internet for 20 years is kind of a native concept of money…The ability to very easily pay somebody online, the ability to very easily charge for a piece of content, the ability to very easily exchange a digital title, or a digital key, or a digital contract has just been missing because you have no mechanism for establishing trust. And so Bitcoin basically holds the promise of being the first solution to establishing trust over an untrusted network.”
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  • “It’s very hard to transport $1 million in hard currency overseas. You can’t just put it in a backpack and get it on a plane very easily. But it is very easy to do that now digitally using Bitcoin.”

    Benjamin Lawsky - New York Superintendent of Financial Services
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  • “Many associate Bitcoin with illegal transactions. The real target for illegal transactions should be cash. Cash is anonymous and private. There is no ledger detailing every transaction with cash. Indeed, it is ridiculous that of all the cash in U.S. dollars circulating, 78% is represented by $100 bills. How many $100 bills are in your wallet?”

    Dr. Campbell R. Harvey - Professor of finance at Duke University in Durham, N.C
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  • "The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that's required to make it work. The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust. Banks must be trusted to hold our money and transfer it electronically, but they lend it out in waves of credit bubbles with barely a fraction in reserve. We have to trust them with our privacy, trust them not to let identity thieves drain our accounts.”

    Satoshi Nakamoto - Bitcoin Developer

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  • “My initial thought when I heard about Bitcoin from my students is that is a scam. I know now that the technology of Bitcoin might prove useful but I am puzzled by the rush to it.”
    Meir Statman - Professor at Santa Clara University specializing in behavioral finance -- source --
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  • John Reed, former chairman and CEO of Citibank

    "Money at its core is simply a ledger for keeping track of debts, and bitcoin is truly the best iteration of a universal ledger we’ve ever seen."
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  • "I could appreciate how blockchain was a fundamentally more scalable, reliable, and secure solution than the then, and even the present day, payment processing technologies used by some of the biggest processors and gateways in India and Russia."
    Amit Bhardwaj - Entrepreneur, investor, and dreamer in India, who is paving the way for bitcoin adoption in the country. -- source --
  • "This is exactly what blockchain and digital currencies do: they are wonderful agents of distribution of tools of creation, agents of massive reduction in information asymmetry, and agents of enhancement of liberty of choice."

    Amit Bhardwaj - Entrepreneur, investor, and dreamer in India, who is paving the way for bitcoin adoption in the country.

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  • "Bitcoin has proven to be the best-performing currency in the world in 2016. I believe more investors in high-inflation countries are looking at alternative asset classes, things like gold or Bitcoin"

    Werner van Rooyen - Head of Business Development and Growth at Luno
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  • "Since a lot of people lost their houses during the financial crisis, more people started to look into bitcoin in order to live without using a bank."
    Francesco Si monetti - CEO of HolyTransaction -- source --
  • “We believe in few years bitcoin will be acknowledged as revolutionary technology by ordinary people as well"

    Kagayaki Kawabata - Coincheck’s Lead of Business development speaking to CCN
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  • "Many Japanese people thought Bitcoin is a digital currency for criminals. It’s surprising that Bitcoin, once acknowledged as dark money, is now considered as a legal money."

    Kagayaki Kawabata - Coincheck’s Lead of Business development

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  • "I think the Bitcoin network has already made a difference in the world. It’s forcing us to look at information technology in a different way."

    Richard Caetano - Stratumn CEO
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  • "From my perspective, seeing that level of focus and interest from developers is a clear indication that bitcoin will play a critical role in the future of this industry."

    Rob Wells - Money20/20’s bitcoin resident expert told CCN.

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  • “Digital currency is vitally important to the future of payments and financial services”

    Sanjib Kalita - Money20/20’s chief marketing officer
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  • "Bitcoin covers so many aspects of what has driven innovation in payments and financial services through the years. From security and trust to data access and algorithms, there is a tremendous amount of core technology that can introduce disruption into these industries. Additionally, with the number of people working on these technologies, there’s a lot of creative brainpower trying to build new solutions."

    Sanjib Kalita - Money20/20’s chief marketing officer
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  • I think conventional wisdom now is that blockchain and the underlying technology is probably more interesting and has more potential than maybe bitcoin does by itself.

    Neel Kashkari, an American banker and politician who is also the president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

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  • "If the last two years of healthy contention and debate lead to a conclusion, it's that bitcoin is incredibly resilient and stable. In fact, the bitcoin blockchain has operated for seven-plus years with no downtime, a feat no other back-end system operating at this scale can claim."

    Peter Smith, the CEO and cofounder of Blockchain Wallet
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  • Bitcoin is a better standard of value than both gold and the U.S. dollar.

    Steve Wozniak - Apple co-founder

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